class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Empowering A Data Team with
RStudio Addins
### Hao Zhu
Marcus Institute for Aging Research ### 2019-01-17 --- class: center, middle, inverse Links Slides: []( Code Example: []( --- # A Little about us and our infrastructure - Marcus Institute for Aging Research: Harvard-affiliated Research Group about Aging in Boston - Data team size: 10-15 - R Infrastructure: - Self-hosted RStudio Server + Connect - We use shared R libraries but personal packages are allowed. ---  --- # Some Facts about RStudio Addin - Announced in early 2016 - Goal: Provide convenience to regular RStudio users - Capacity: - Interact with **RStudio IDE** through [`rstudioapi`]( - Interactive User Interface through [`shiny`]( - Access various web services through API & [httr]( - RStudio Addins need to be delivered by R packages. One R package can hold multiple addins --- # In this talk - Provide an overview of how to create an addin - Present Addins that we created at work on our RStudio Server - Present a few use cases that RStudio Addins can greatly enhance our productivities - Reference management through [`rcrossref`]( + [`citr`]( - Remote Cloud Computing Connection through [`r2cluster`]( - Share some thoughts we have about integrating RStudio Addins with Processes at work --- class: center, middle # Let's start! --- # Example #1: Between Dark & Light .center[  ] ??? Image credit: [beyondyourmind]( ---  --- # Create RStudio Addin - Step 1 > To the end, addins are just R functions. -- ```r rstudioapi::getThemeInfo() ``` ``` ## $editor ## [1] "Clouds" ## ## $global ## [1] "Modern" ## ## $dark ## [1] FALSE ``` -- ```r current_theme <- rstudioapi::getThemeInfo() next_theme <- ifelse(current_theme$dark, "Clouds", "Clouds Midnight") next_theme ``` ``` ## [1] "Clouds Midnight" ``` --- # Create RStudio Addin - Step 1 > To the end, addins are just R functions. ```r switch_theme <- function() { current_theme <- rstudioapi::getThemeInfo() next_theme <- ifelse(current_theme$dark, "Clouds", "Clouds Midnight") rstudioapi::applyTheme(next_theme) } ``` Put this function somewhere in the `R` folder. --- # Create RStudio Addin - Step 2 > RStudio has to know the existence of this addin. -- In **`inst/rstudio/addins.dcf`**, declare this addin. ``` Name: 🌗 Switch RStudio Theme Description: Toggle RStudio Server Theme between Dark and Light Binding: switch_theme Interactive: false ``` Binding links the Addin Button with `switch_theme`. --- # Minimal RStudio Addin Structure ``` - DESCRIPTION - R/ - my_addins.R - inst/ - rstudio/ - addins.dcf ``` .center[ ## Only 3 files! ] --- # Example #2: Bookmarks - Use cases - Server specific documentation - Personal Use - Guess how long the code look like? -- ```r open_server_guide <- function() { rstudioapi::viewer("") } ``` --- # Example #3: Setup Favorite Addins - "Hi, RStudio, here is a Feature Request if possible 😆" - For now, you can re-export awesome addins from other packages - How? ```r open_xaringan <- function() { xaringan:::inf_mr() } ``` --- # Example #4: Reference Management: rcrossref + citr - [rcrossref]( by [rOpenSci]( - [citr]( by [Frederik Aust]( --- # Other Addin Use Cases - Manage ODBC Connections: Open up hidden file `.odbc.ini`. - Open up Octave in Terminal - [r2cluster](  --- # Take home messages -- - ### Creating an RStudio Addin is really <span style=" font-weight: bold; color: #D9230F;" >easy</span> and <span style=" font-weight: bold; color: #D9230F;" >fun</span>! -- - Addin is a great tool for personal use. - If you have never created an R package, don't be afraid and make your 1st one today! -- - Addin is a great tool for teams to standardize practices! --- #Credits .left-column[ - Fredrick Kinyua [@kamanufred]( - Tim Tsai [@timothytsai]( - Tom Travison [@tgt2]( - We gratefully acknowledge support from the NIA via a Boston Pepper Center (P30AG031679, PI: S Bhasin) Core Development Project Grant to TG Travison ] .right-column[  ]